Friday, August 13, 2010

Session 6: Rescue

5th Weekend of July 2010

Aaron was very disappointed with his Paladin so he rolled a new one. Seems he really likes being big and strong and mindless since he went for a half-orc barbarian. Fey wanted to try D&D so we made him a Ronin.

New Characters!

  • Aaron plays Shark, a Half-Orc Barbarian, still with a greatsword, and still with a penchant for rushing in swinging it.
  • Fey plays Adam William's Son, a small Human Ronin (Fighter) who washed into shore looking for his papa.

The tale unfolds...

After surviving the cave bear, Erdan, understandably dissatisfied with his place in the Jonas Brothers, decides to separate ways and start his own band. Before Urza and Justin had time to react, in comes Shark, ready for his audition and passing through his incredible talent of tree drumming. Though the half-orc is butt-ugly, it's ok since he'll be behind the drums anyway and won't take up the limelight of the charismatic duo.
Goblins - Paving the Way for Level 1 Characters since 1975
Adam's Son has ventured far in hopes of finding his papa, why, we don't know, but he ends up in Brindol just in time to help defend it against the Red Hand raid. Councilmember Eofram sends him after the Jonas Brothers, since he seemed a more reliable fellow for the job than the bungling stooges.

Battlechants at Rivenroar

Underneath the catacombs of Castle Rivenroar, the Jonas Brothers encounters goblins, hobgoblins, gnomes and other assorted creatures all wearing armor marked with a crimson Red Hand. Room after room of these unlucky robbers/kidnappers were battered down by the incredible singing and battle prowess capitally led by Shark, compounded by Justin, and punctuated by Urza. Once Adam's Son applied his foe-stopping comma marks, the rescue sentence became very simple. With TimberBieberLake's arcane harmonies, the sentences transformed into lyrics worthy of an epic ballad.

They find the first captive, Sertanian, the Hall of Great Valor's castellan, locked in a jail. He tells them of Mirtala the cook who's somewhere below a spiral staircase, and warned that Kartenix, the captain of the guard, might be in trouble since he said he'll be attempting to escape.

The old man certainly wasn't kidding, as they find the captain's body stiff and bloated from ettercap venom. Mirtala was almost catatonic with shock and feverish from the bites of dire rats which had constantly tormented her captivity. Both spider-men and giant rats were of course no longer breathing by that time.
Climbing the stairs up to the next room is a typical display of Jonas Brothers tactics: Urza plays pinball with a group of hobgoblin minions, bouncing rainbow colored bolts on their skulls, Shark charges in wading with his big sword, bouncing off the felled goblin hexer to the next target, and Justin jauntily bounces on his feet as he sings a bouncy tune while throwing a few heals here and there. They find the saucy Jalissa, an acolyte of Ioun, chained in the next room and while the barbarian and sorcerer was busy goggling their eyes and snapping their jaws shut, Justin was already beside the distressed damsel with lockpicks, soothing words and warm smiles.

Searching for the remaining 3 captives got increasingly difficult, as the bite-happy ghouls in the next room demonstrated. Shark was paralyzed and rendered useless by the ghouls' numbing claws, and if it wasn't for Justin's valiant sacrifice, the group would have succumbed to the undead teeth and nails.


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