Thursday, August 5, 2010

Session 4: To Thunderspire

4th Weekend of July

The story so far:

Lord Pedro of Winterhaven quickly asks for the Horsmen's aid in tracking these Bloodreavers and rescuing any of his people taken captive.

After a day of preparations in town, the Horsemen journeys to Thunderspire, an underground labyrinth connected to the rest of the Underdark. Located beneath the mountain of the same name, it was once a grand minotaur city, but is now just a fairly large outpost for delvers and miners and traders of Underdark goods.

To the Seven Pillared Hall

Thunderspire entrance
They reach the entrance without any trouble but, being adventurers, they quickly and happily find some. Along the passageway to the main cavern of the underground complex, they hear conversations about some people selling some people. They quickly form a plan: they tie up the Dragonborn Fighter and try to sell him to these guys so they can gather clues on this obvious slave trading activity.

Problem is, Juno knows how to brawl and bash and cleave and pose menacingly, but not act. His huge greatsword still on his person didn't help either. So the horsemen default to what they do best and just brawl and bash and cleave. They rescue a halfling named Rendil Halfmoon from the hobgoblins, who were indeed members of the Bloodreavers. Rendil, who had no love for slavers, was snooping about when the hobgobs caught him, so he offered free board and lodging for his rescuers at his family's inn at the Seven Pillared Hall.

To the Chamber of Eyes

Rendil was quite happy to introduce his saviors to his family in the Halfmoon Inn. He asked the Horsemen if they needed directions in town and what their business in town is. He does like snooping around.

The Horsemen tells him of their mission and he directs them to Orontor, one of the Mages of Saruun who keep a semblance of order in the Hall. Orontor approves of their actions and asks them to further investigate the Bloodreavers, since he has suspicions that a colleague of his, Paldemar, is somehow connected with the rampant slave trading that the Mages are supposed to prevent. Rendil guides them partway to the supposed lair, the Chamber of Eyes.

Chamber of Eyes

They were hindered into further exploring the Chamber beyond the first hall by a locked door. Crono tries to pick it but fails. A balcony to the north promises entry, but even with Juno hoisting the halfling up there, they fail. Finally, Juno forces the door open, upon which the guards inside signal an alarm and file out into the balcony armed with crossbows.

Elros plays shooting gallery with the goblin sharpshooters, him doing his best to knock em down fast enough, and them doing their best to scrape the nimble drow while jumping to and fro to avoid the giant frost missiles. Meanwhile, Crono finally manages to unlock the front door and is rewarded by a hulking bugbear pouncing on him. Juno helps him out and when they tag team it to death, Elros and Jim have shot down all but one of the goblins, who then manages to escape to warn the rest of the Bloodreavers..


  1. ahahaha sabi ko naman na it was a bad idea ako yun captive, dapat si chrono para bitbit ko lolz,

    epic fail!!! chamber of ice aaahha

  2. ganda ng word verfication ko, HOOKER lolz

  3. maganda ung idea. pangit lang implementation. hehe
