Da Peeps

In the quest for more games to waste our time with, and the life-long ambition of total geekdom and nerdiness, our gaming group finally realized we should try D&D (Dungeons & Dragons, for the sad unenlightened majority).

Having played countless RPG's and CCG's and TCG's and GG's and FBG's, it's only natural that we turn to the mother of all sword and sorcery games. I'm not quite sure why it took so long, since we are not lacking in the prerequisite geekiness factor, and that I myself have played in numerous adventures starting in high school (no, that's not too long ago, contrary to popular belief).

Anyway, those who got interested in playing quickly gathered the necessary resources but found a serious issue: time. Seems we can only meet during weekends, and not even regularly, since some of us have girlfriends who we can't escape, and some have a higher tier of friends to hang out with.

However, with steadfast determination and a bunch of snacks and softdrinks, we've been able to play a few sessions and it's been going great (for having fun, yes, but for keeping slim, no). D&D 4th Edition has really streamlined the mechanics of the game, and has facilitated getting to the fun stuff, namely, killing evil stuff and looting good stuff from them.

So this blog will attempt to chronicle the legendary feats (and the occasional tragic yet funny deaths) of the gang, and be the online gathering point for the gaming group.