The tale continues...
The Jonas Brothers are once again a trio, since Adam's Son failed to make an appearance in the next sessions. They journeyed to Overlook, a thriving dwarven city to the west, near the Stonehome mountains that serve as a border between the civilized Elsir Vale and the barbaric orc lands.
A call of arms was sent by the ruling council in Overlook to ask aid from adventurers in the defense of Bordrin's Watch, a fortress guarding the pass in the mountains where massive orc tribes have been seen gathering.
Homecoming of Sorts
While Justin was his usual buoyant self on the journey, he turned a bit melancholy and subdued once the group reached the large city of Overlook. He deftly guided the others through the streets of the city, offhandedly confirming the queries of Urza and Shark regarding his pre-adventuring life. He explains that though he was engaged in questionable activities and shady dealings during his younger years here in Overlook, he is adamant about having turned a new leaf and following a path as straight as the lines in a music sheet.
Overlook |
They congregate later inside the High Hall where the Council of Elders addresses them. The Farstriders were indeed present, but the bigger surprise was the ex-Jonas Brother paladin Erdan standing in their group.
Elder Cadrick briefly explains the situation to them, that indeed, the feuding orc tribes have been united by a strong chieftain and are now preparing to assault Bordrin's Watch (Aaron: "Huh? Borderwatch?"). Most of the groups will be led by guard captain Durkik Forgeheart to bolster the defenses of Borderwatch (for Aaron's sake) while they need a volunteer group to evacuate a monastery deep in the mountains who might not yet be warned about the orc horde.
Of course, all heads and eyes turn towards the suddenly glowing showoff, Urza.
Not to be outdone, the leader of the Farstriders raise objections, asking for the most glorious and most dangerous mission there is. Elder Cadrick assures him that they have already been assigned to that.
The Elder next tells the Jonas Brothers theirs, which is to go to the Monastery of the Sundered Chain and warn the monks there and help them evacuate. With little preparation, they head for the mountains.
The Monastery of Sundered Dwarves
A grueling hike up the rugged slopes lead them to the tall gates of the Monastery of the Sundered Chain, where they smell burning meat and stinky sweat. Entering the open gate, they witness orcs huddled in bonfires eating roasted flesh that alarmingly looks like dwarf legs. Seems they're too late..
Monastery entrance |
They descend into a worse nightmarish scene, where orcs and orogs (a stronger and more intelligent half-orc half-giant) were feasting upon the bodies of monks killed in their chambers. Seems the Jonas Brothers are really too late...
Moradin's holy symbol |
Using the rainbow magic he put to such good use in the last encounter, Urza once again demolishes the minions with ease. Shark uses his brilliant tactical expertise and superior strategic cunning to charge straight at the nearest enemy-looking enemy. Seconds later, all that's left is the plate-armored orog leader who unmercilessly punishes the stupid adventurers who deigned to surround him. With its bastard sword sweeping in wide arcs to slash at the three, he puts up a good fight yet still goes down at the incessant musical debacle of the Jonas Brothers.
Orog |
They then see if the fallen dwarf is still alive...