Thursday, September 9, 2010

Session 9: Siege of Bordrin's Watch

2nd weekend of August 2010

The tale continues...

The Jonas Brothers are once again a trio, since Adam's Son failed to make an appearance in the next sessions. They journeyed to Overlook, a thriving dwarven city to the west, near the Stonehome mountains that serve as a border between the civilized Elsir Vale and the barbaric orc lands.

A call of arms was sent by the ruling council in Overlook to ask aid from adventurers in the defense of Bordrin's Watch, a fortress guarding the pass in the mountains where massive orc tribes have been seen gathering.

Homecoming of Sorts

While Justin was his usual buoyant self on the journey, he turned a bit melancholy and subdued once the group reached the large city of Overlook. He deftly guided the others through the streets of the city, offhandedly confirming the queries of Urza and Shark regarding his pre-adventuring life. He explains that though he was engaged in questionable activities and shady dealings during his younger years here in Overlook, he is adamant about having turned a new leaf and following a path as straight as the lines in a music sheet.

All around the city are other mercenaries, adventuring groups and would-be adventurers all answering the call of arms. While passing some time in the Pickled Imp tavern, whose bar is elegantly decorated by a preserved imp in a jar and whose ale is simply the best in all of the city, they hear lots of talk about the best group of adventurers who answered the summons, the Hor- I mean, the Farstriders. This group seems to have battled kobold armies and even dragons and uncovered relics and stuff. Really awesome dudes and dudettes, they all say.

They congregate later inside the High Hall where the Council of Elders addresses them. The Farstriders were indeed present, but the bigger surprise was the ex-Jonas Brother paladin Erdan standing in their group.

Elder Cadrick briefly explains the situation to them, that indeed, the feuding orc tribes have been united by a strong chieftain and are now preparing to assault Bordrin's Watch (Aaron: "Huh? Borderwatch?"). Most of the groups will be led by guard captain Durkik Forgeheart to bolster the defenses of Borderwatch (for Aaron's sake) while they need a volunteer group to evacuate a monastery deep in the mountains who might not yet be warned about the orc horde.

Of course, all heads and eyes turn towards the suddenly glowing showoff, Urza.

Not to be outdone, the leader of the Farstriders raise objections, asking for the most glorious and most dangerous mission there is. Elder Cadrick assures him that they have already been assigned to that.

The Elder next tells the Jonas Brothers theirs, which is to go to the Monastery of the Sundered Chain and warn the monks there and help them evacuate. With little preparation, they head for the mountains.

The Monastery of Sundered Dwarves

A grueling hike up the rugged slopes lead them to the tall gates of the Monastery of the Sundered Chain, where they smell burning meat and stinky sweat. Entering the open gate, they witness orcs huddled in bonfires eating roasted flesh that alarmingly looks like dwarf legs. Seems they're too late..

Monastery entrance
After rudely dispatching the orcs who was rather enjoying their outdoor lunch, they venture inside to find gore and blood aplenty, splattered along the floor where several bodies of both dwarf monks and orcs lie. The half-orc Shark, who has abandoned that brutal way of life, flies in a rage at his blood-cousins and dispatches, too, the witch and her guards in the main atria of the monastery.

They descend into a worse nightmarish scene, where orcs and orogs (a stronger and more intelligent half-orc half-giant) were feasting upon the bodies of monks killed in their chambers. Seems the Jonas Brothers are really too late...

Moradin's holy symbol
They follow the trail deeper into the monastery which ends on the other side of the plateau. Down narrow and steep steps are more orcs on their way up. Felling (literally) these, they discover a cave by the foot of the slope that seems to be the forge hearth of the dwarves, where they could practice smithing in worship of their deity Moradin. However, the cave is occupied by a bunch of orcs and a large orog who seems to be their leader. This one is torturing the lone surviving dwarf and demanding he reopen a tunnel.

Using the rainbow magic he put to such good use in the last encounter, Urza once again demolishes the minions with ease. Shark uses his brilliant tactical expertise and superior strategic cunning to charge straight at the nearest enemy-looking enemy. Seconds later, all that's left is the plate-armored orog leader who unmercilessly punishes the stupid adventurers who deigned to surround him. With its bastard sword sweeping in wide arcs to slash at the three, he puts up a good fight yet still goes down at the incessant musical debacle of the Jonas Brothers.


They then see if the fallen dwarf is still alive...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Session 8: Lords of Rivenroar

1st Weekend of August 2010

The tale unfolds..

The Jonas Brothers bicker among themselves for Jalissa's attention. Meanwhile, they assign Adam's Son to guard over the captives found so far, so it was up to the three to face the remaining threats of Rivenroar...

Unleash the Guardians

The predominantly-hobgoblin Red Hand of Doom counts a variety of creatures under its banner. Among them:


Wererats releasing a frenzied bloodthirsty Evistro (carnage demon), who was no match for the more frenzied and bloodthirstier Shark.

Gnome arcanist
Invisible gnome skulks and their leader, the sometimes invisible but still useless gnome arcanist. (I probably handled him wrong.)

A Happy Drake Family
Two large rage drakes stood guard over the door to the captive old lady Zeriksa. The Jonas Brothers basically bounced them around the field of weird mushrooms. Two spitting drakes drank from Urza's acid orb and spat acid as Shark drove his greatsword in them in an earlier encounter.

The Red Hand's Chieftain

After dispatching the ghouls, the Jonas Brothers followed Shark's intuitive dungeon exploration technique of always going left. It led them to a chamber filled with stone cold menhirs (rough stone monoliths) which became just a tad colder as the huge (for a hobgoblin) leader of the Red Hand of Doom, Sinruth, emerged from the door on the other side.

Sinruth, wearing the helm and gauntlets stolen from Brindol's Hall of Valor, fearlessly faced the trio alone, spinning his long spiked chain to pull his enemies against his spiked armor or to knock them prone then kick them for good measure. Much blood (and singing and dancing) warmed the floor of the chamber before the spinning menace was defeated. Sertanian collected the historic items while spitting on and kicking Sinruth for a little bit of vengeance.

The next room contained a large tomb which had a few other items of interest, one of which is a letter addressed to Sinruth from the mysterious Emissary. It contained praises of the Red Hand's strength, promises of bolstering their numbers and most importantly, orders to attack Brindol and obtain the symbolic war relics from the town's Hall of Valor and also capturing a few townsfolk to appease Sinruth's unliving allies in Rivenroar...

The King and Queen of Hearts

The merry Jonas Brothers later emerge from a long hall lined with columns into a large throned chamber filled with scattered bones. Seated on the thrones were the allies spoken of in the letter: a robed figure with flayed skin and a humanoid skeleton armed with a scimitar. The robed figure turned its head upon the intruders and commanded an attack.

The boneshard skeleton rose up to defend its master, along with lesser skeletons that reanimated from the remains on the floor. These kept reassembling themselves even though Urza's chaos bolt continuously blasted them apart. The master, a deathlock wight, sent answering bolts of necrotic energy to weaken the rabid Shark and even reformed its boneshard mate which the barbarian had hacked apart. Urza desperately rolled Arcana checks to figure out why these undead were staying undead and not becoming dead undead, but it wasn't until Justin thunderously and radiantly blew the wight with his powerful song and sword combo while its mate was also down that the undead in the room permanently stayed dead.

Etched into the walls is the history of the lords of Rivenroar, who seemed to be a dynastic family of once-powerful mages and merchants. Shark and Urza were gleaning these historic bits from the vivid fresco depicting the Rivenroars' achievements while Justin was taking down some interesting magical weapons and armors displayed on the opposite wall.

Heroic Welcome

With the Red Hand destroyed, the group went through the remaining unexplored rooms and rounded out the missing captives, Thurann, the guard captain's son, and Adronsius, the town alchemist. With all captives accounted for, they haggardly went back to Brindol dead tired (but still alive) and received a heroes' welcome for their amazing efforts.

A week's respite in town allowed for some R&R. Urza, excited by the prospect of cooking and eating literally anything, took lessons from Mirtala. Justin divided his time between learning from the alchemist in the mornings, stealthily seeing Jalissa (to mercifully spare his envious band members from broken hearts) in the afternoons and performing in the packed Antler and Thistle Tavern in the evenings. Meanwhile, the talentless Shark took up random bouncer jobs here and there.

All seemed well until the growing rumors of orc tribes amassing against the dwarven fortress to the west called upon and pressured our famous local celebrities to answer the official summons for aid. A crowd of tear-streaked faces bid them goodbye, while a more teary-eyed Jalissa gave Justin what could be their final kiss...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Session 7: Dark Dwarves, Horrible Halflings, Terrible Trolls

2nd Weekend of August 2010

The story so far:

The Horsemen surprisingly spare duergar smith Urwol's life. Urwol repaid their mercy by sparing no threats of vengeance and destruction from his brothers Rundarr and Murkelmor awaiting them in the other chambers of Horned Hold. After a brief and ineffective interrogation, the Horsemen tire of his threats and re-repaid him by not sparing his life after all with a quick shove into the yawning 300 feet deep chasm.

Another Life is Not Spared

The Platinum Dragon's symbol
Rather than crossing the narrow bridge into the larger part of the Hold, the Horsemen proceed to a connecting corridor leading to the kitchens and mess hall. They stealthily skulk around for a while but manage to raise alarms as they crossed the room with the ovens. A jumpy Crono hurls a shuriken at the startled figure who opened a door to peek at the noise the group was making. The halfling rogue realized too late that the figure was a helpless and innocent slave, struck dead when the shuriken hit it in the back of the head, creating a pool of spilled innocent blood. Crono, a devout worshipper of lawful good Platinum Dragon, just shrugs it off and skulks off to flank the approaching enemies.

Duergar scouts materialize from the gray walls and divide the group, paving the way for their champion Rundarr, who manages to whack several characters unconscious with his +2 flaming warhammer. The 4 feet tall angry duergar swelled to large proportions when he got bloodied, but it only signaled his impending end. Troll delightfully picks up the burning weapon while Crono tries to say sorry to two other slaves scared of the belligerent little dude.

Duergar flavors
Since the Horsemen doesn't really care about the details of their quest, they neglect to ask these two if they are the captives taken from Winterhaven that they're looking for. They send the absent Aaron's Juno and Josh's Lone Wolf to escort them back to the Seven Pillared Hall along with a keg of ale to ease their way.

Priest of Asmodeus

The remaining Horsemen debate for a while which bridge to take across the windy chasm: the wider one ending in reinforced doors slitted for arrow fire, or the rail-less narrow one. Briefly haunted by the image of a falling Jace, they nevertheless choose the latter, ending in an unoccupied room filled with debris. They slowly but not silently slide open a door leading to what seems to be an infirmary, with the healer shouting in anger at the disturbance of his work.

Asmodeus' symbol
He turns out to be a cleric of Asmodeus, deity of power and tyranny, and manages to lengthen his allies's lives. Two crossbow shaped homunculus fire a rain of arrows at the characters to defend their guarded area. Though they suffer many wounds, Elros, Crono, Jim Castillo, Troll and Jace inflict much more.

After Jim happily frees his evil counterpart of its +2 holy healer's mace and healer's brooch, another brief debate ensued about whether to keep the sick unconscious duergar alive. It seems the Horsemen are subtly developing a conscience as they spared this one's life.

We'll see if this will develop into true heroic valor, or if it's just a fluke.


Troll's malingering acts of lasciviousness and debauchery led to him contracting a disease. Specifically, he got afflicted with a fever and his dingdong turned green.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Session 6: Rescue

5th Weekend of July 2010

Aaron was very disappointed with his Paladin so he rolled a new one. Seems he really likes being big and strong and mindless since he went for a half-orc barbarian. Fey wanted to try D&D so we made him a Ronin.

New Characters!

  • Aaron plays Shark, a Half-Orc Barbarian, still with a greatsword, and still with a penchant for rushing in swinging it.
  • Fey plays Adam William's Son, a small Human Ronin (Fighter) who washed into shore looking for his papa.

The tale unfolds...

After surviving the cave bear, Erdan, understandably dissatisfied with his place in the Jonas Brothers, decides to separate ways and start his own band. Before Urza and Justin had time to react, in comes Shark, ready for his audition and passing through his incredible talent of tree drumming. Though the half-orc is butt-ugly, it's ok since he'll be behind the drums anyway and won't take up the limelight of the charismatic duo.
Goblins - Paving the Way for Level 1 Characters since 1975
Adam's Son has ventured far in hopes of finding his papa, why, we don't know, but he ends up in Brindol just in time to help defend it against the Red Hand raid. Councilmember Eofram sends him after the Jonas Brothers, since he seemed a more reliable fellow for the job than the bungling stooges.

Battlechants at Rivenroar

Underneath the catacombs of Castle Rivenroar, the Jonas Brothers encounters goblins, hobgoblins, gnomes and other assorted creatures all wearing armor marked with a crimson Red Hand. Room after room of these unlucky robbers/kidnappers were battered down by the incredible singing and battle prowess capitally led by Shark, compounded by Justin, and punctuated by Urza. Once Adam's Son applied his foe-stopping comma marks, the rescue sentence became very simple. With TimberBieberLake's arcane harmonies, the sentences transformed into lyrics worthy of an epic ballad.

They find the first captive, Sertanian, the Hall of Great Valor's castellan, locked in a jail. He tells them of Mirtala the cook who's somewhere below a spiral staircase, and warned that Kartenix, the captain of the guard, might be in trouble since he said he'll be attempting to escape.

The old man certainly wasn't kidding, as they find the captain's body stiff and bloated from ettercap venom. Mirtala was almost catatonic with shock and feverish from the bites of dire rats which had constantly tormented her captivity. Both spider-men and giant rats were of course no longer breathing by that time.
Climbing the stairs up to the next room is a typical display of Jonas Brothers tactics: Urza plays pinball with a group of hobgoblin minions, bouncing rainbow colored bolts on their skulls, Shark charges in wading with his big sword, bouncing off the felled goblin hexer to the next target, and Justin jauntily bounces on his feet as he sings a bouncy tune while throwing a few heals here and there. They find the saucy Jalissa, an acolyte of Ioun, chained in the next room and while the barbarian and sorcerer was busy goggling their eyes and snapping their jaws shut, Justin was already beside the distressed damsel with lockpicks, soothing words and warm smiles.

Searching for the remaining 3 captives got increasingly difficult, as the bite-happy ghouls in the next room demonstrated. Shark was paralyzed and rendered useless by the ghouls' numbing claws, and if it wasn't for Justin's valiant sacrifice, the group would have succumbed to the undead teeth and nails.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Session 5: Tank Powah

5th Weekend of July

The story so far:

The Horsemen follow the fleeing goblin's path cautiously, expecting readied defenses from the Chamber of Eye's next rooms. They were not disappointed when the courageous frontman Juno opened a side door in a narrow corridor, and deftly dodged the descending warhammer aimed at his scaled head.

Reaping Bloodreavers

What followed is an awesome display of durability, tenacity and plain stoneheadedness as the Dragonborn fighter dammed the corridor and singlehandedly took the assault of gray-skinned, spike-bearded and generally angry duergar (or gray dwarf). Another hobgoblin warcaster dishes out some knockdown pulses until the Bloodreavers leader himself, Chief Krand, charges into the fray, only to be foiled by the fighter who stops Krand's every attempt to run for its life when the battle went sour.

They find a key on Krand's mangled body which opened a chest full of the slavers' profits. You'd think that some of them would hesitate to keep such ill-gotten gains, but no, the Horsemen really likey goldie pieces. They also find a purchase contract detailing the sale of Winterhaven slaves to a Murkelmor Grimmerzhul, which is like a neon arrow sign for what to do next to accomplish their mission (find and rescue missing people from Winterhaven).
Warning! Explicit content! Skip to next paragraph if you are under 18 years of age.
They proceed to the unexplored rooms and find other slavers unaware that their leader is dead. Troll orders the rest to leave one goblin alive for questioning, then proceeds to inflict a most terrible, horrible, unspeakably vile, morally depraved, lewdly nefarious sodomy upon the poor defenseless green creature. Having satisfied his urges, Troll pushes the abused goblin off a balcony, which lets the latter hold its breath til it died, escaping the future molestations of the troublin (troll♥goblin) tiefling.

To The Horned Hold

The group returns to the Seven Pillared Hall in order to find out about Murkelmor Grimmerzhul and along the way they rescue Rendil again, this time from a pack of rabid and hungry hyenas. The halfling tells them the Grimmerzhul Clan owns a trading post in the Hall but has a base somewhere in the labyrinth, which is the more likely location for any slave trading activities.

They ask the mage Orontor but while he commends the group's annihilation of the Bloodreavers, he doesn't know the Grimmerzhul's base, and is generally miffed that the Horsemen have gotten no news of Paldemar's activities.

After patching up his wounds and bathing, Juno avidly suggests checking out a magic items shop, so they visit the Deepgem Company (which Arbeen thoroughly disliked) but find only gems for sale. They could sell their gems but Arbeen's rogue Crono inexplicably keeps tightfisted control over the party's jewels. He just can't let go.

Rendil suggests checking out Gendar's Curios next, where Elros meets a fellow outcast drow, the proprietor Gendar himself. Though Gendar has an extensive collection of enchanted weapons and armor, it's his information the group bought. For the very cheap price of 200 gp, Gendar gave them a map to the Grimmerzhul's base, Horned Hold.

Breaking the Hold

Horned Hold
The Horned Hold was once a Minotaur stronghold in a massive cavern separated by a 300 feet deep chasm. The Horsemen waste no time in forcing their way in, with Juno wading through the longspears of orc defenders as soon as Crono unlocks the portcullis. Through some confusion on my part about reach weapons and opportunity attacks and marked enemies, the players manage to combo off the Combat Challenge skill of the fighter, triggering free attacks that I knew was too good to be legit.

They head inside the Hold's smithy and were warmly greeted by the fire-flinging duergar clansmith, Urwol. The players take advantage of my unfamiliarity with the monsters skills so Urwol's area affecting spells are only minimally effective, as highlighted when the drow Elros used his Cloud of Darkness right before the angry smith used his best hot-iron manipulation. They knock him out for later questioning.

Which is a mild surprise since they just usually kill unscrupulously.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Session 4: To Thunderspire

4th Weekend of July

The story so far:

Lord Pedro of Winterhaven quickly asks for the Horsmen's aid in tracking these Bloodreavers and rescuing any of his people taken captive.

After a day of preparations in town, the Horsemen journeys to Thunderspire, an underground labyrinth connected to the rest of the Underdark. Located beneath the mountain of the same name, it was once a grand minotaur city, but is now just a fairly large outpost for delvers and miners and traders of Underdark goods.

To the Seven Pillared Hall

Thunderspire entrance
They reach the entrance without any trouble but, being adventurers, they quickly and happily find some. Along the passageway to the main cavern of the underground complex, they hear conversations about some people selling some people. They quickly form a plan: they tie up the Dragonborn Fighter and try to sell him to these guys so they can gather clues on this obvious slave trading activity.

Problem is, Juno knows how to brawl and bash and cleave and pose menacingly, but not act. His huge greatsword still on his person didn't help either. So the horsemen default to what they do best and just brawl and bash and cleave. They rescue a halfling named Rendil Halfmoon from the hobgoblins, who were indeed members of the Bloodreavers. Rendil, who had no love for slavers, was snooping about when the hobgobs caught him, so he offered free board and lodging for his rescuers at his family's inn at the Seven Pillared Hall.

To the Chamber of Eyes

Rendil was quite happy to introduce his saviors to his family in the Halfmoon Inn. He asked the Horsemen if they needed directions in town and what their business in town is. He does like snooping around.

The Horsemen tells him of their mission and he directs them to Orontor, one of the Mages of Saruun who keep a semblance of order in the Hall. Orontor approves of their actions and asks them to further investigate the Bloodreavers, since he has suspicions that a colleague of his, Paldemar, is somehow connected with the rampant slave trading that the Mages are supposed to prevent. Rendil guides them partway to the supposed lair, the Chamber of Eyes.

Chamber of Eyes

They were hindered into further exploring the Chamber beyond the first hall by a locked door. Crono tries to pick it but fails. A balcony to the north promises entry, but even with Juno hoisting the halfling up there, they fail. Finally, Juno forces the door open, upon which the guards inside signal an alarm and file out into the balcony armed with crossbows.

Elros plays shooting gallery with the goblin sharpshooters, him doing his best to knock em down fast enough, and them doing their best to scrape the nimble drow while jumping to and fro to avoid the giant frost missiles. Meanwhile, Crono finally manages to unlock the front door and is rewarded by a hulking bugbear pouncing on him. Juno helps him out and when they tag team it to death, Elros and Jim have shot down all but one of the goblins, who then manages to escape to warn the rest of the Bloodreavers..

Monday, August 2, 2010

Session 4: Plunging into Depths Unfathomed

4th Weekend of July

I really wanted to finish the first adventure this session so I left off some encounters since the group doesn't need more XP at this point. Also, there are 6(!) guys playing tonight so it's probably going to be a walk in the park. Or more like a dip in a shallow pool. Or maybe a plunge into something a bit more... denjerasu.

The story so far:

There is a palpable air of malevolence stirring under the Horsemen's feet as they tread downstairs into the lower level of the dungeons. It seems Kalarel's ritual is going along nicely.

They are greeted by 2 heavily armored hobgoblins asking aloud, "Password?" Of course, our warmongering heroes have no clue what those guys are talking about, since they killed every living and non-living thing* that they met since they got here. Which is, of course, exactly what they did. Hobgoblins charged in from everywhere, punctuated by a large jumping spider that pounced on Troll and almost, almost, knocked him out. These gay guys are tough bastards.

They get bottlenecked at the entrance, and the hobgoblins' phalanx formation proves tough to crack. Eventually, Josh's dual wielding fighter Vizuviouz knocks off a few, Jace drowns some in a cloud of paper cuts and the rest mop up.

Baiting the Warchief

Hobgoblin Warchief
They next wander into what turned out to be the hobgoblins' barracks. The hobgoblins, being a curiously hospitable race, throw them a welcoming ambush party hosted by their Warchief who leads the fray, bellowing friendly taunts about selling these gate crashers as slaves later. Vizuviouz, who probably trained with straw dummies, puts his training to good use, albeit as the dummy. He buckles under the assault, knocked out in the first round of combat without ever taking an action.

Troll revives him and tells him to back off for a bit. Tough bastard that he is, he tanks the damage but couldn't return the favor with his measly +5 bonus to attack. So he gets creative and challenges the heavily armored hobgobs to be real men and fight them without armor. Well, the hobgobs aren't falling for such an obviously gay trick to see their underpants.

Carlo's drow Elros has his own squidly trick, spouting a cloud of darkness that engulfs several enemies. Juno blockades a room of hobgobs all by himself. Crono struggles to get combat advantage, but when he did, things quickly went south for the bad guys. Their HP, not their pants.

Another roomful of hobgoblins, this time led by a warcaster who thumps his staff a la Gandalf, was beaten in similar fashion.

The Trap Room

Everyone was mustering their resolve as they peered into the next room's dark depths and found a huge shadowy shape hidden in the umbra, believing it to be Mr. Boss Orcus himself, awaiting them.

Duh. If they met Orcus at this stage, they'd be wiped out from a single sneeze.

Juno ignites a sunrod which illuminates the shape to be a tall statue holding a two handed sword en guard. The doors slam shut and lock when they step under its reach, and suddenly it swings the massive blade in a wide arc.

Elros spots an access panel that underneath it and Crono attempts to disable the statue while ducking under the blade every time it passes by. Jace and Juno meanwhile tiptoe across the room and manage to get hit by the blasts from tiger and dragon statues.

Kalarel and The Thing in The Portal

Beyond the trap room they find a pit with four chains bolted to the floor beside it, all dangling down into the depths below. One by one they descend and all succeed on their Athletics checks except for... take a good guess. Jace! He slips, fumbles, panics a bit, then falls headlong into the darkness. Juno makes a brilliant attempt at trying to save Jace from his second death but alas, he doesn't catch him.

Jace plakdas into a shallow pool, his now open eyes greeted by skulls and bones filmed in vivid red. But he's Jecebel so he's not hurt much, and as the rest of the gang climb down into the pool of blood, they notice low, incessant chanting from an altar dominated by a figure clad in chainmail holding a skull-capped rod and wearing a horned helm. Kalarel.

Kalarel, Leader of Cult of Orcus

Behind them, the portal glows menacingly, the visage of something horrid and formless struggling against the dark and murky substance of the rift. Opposite it on the other side of the large hall is a huge statue of Orcus himself, looking eager to welcome his avatar into the world. Kalarel is livid at the disturbance, as he's near to completing the ritual, and orders several skeletons and a deathlock wight to keep the interlopers busy. Stopping the ritual would need either Kalarel's defeat, or a successful skill challenge in reversing the ritual's effects.

The heroes handily destroy the skeletons but the wight just keeps on reanimating them. The thing in the portal lashes out with a shadowy leash, pulling nearby characters into its maw, promising oblivion. The tide of battle turns when the wight falls, and Kalarel is forced to teleport to the defensive magic circle in front of the portal. Juno follows him, yet recklessly positions himself too close to the portal. Kalarel gives him a mighty shove, slam dunk! The Dragonborn plunges into a greater darkness than that which the wizard fell through.

Speaking of which, Jace has just incurred the second fail in the skill challenge right before that, making his next attempt the Do Or Die! (again) roll. Uncharacteristically, he manages to pull it off, and the thwarted avatar sucks Kalarel into the portal, spitting Juno out moments later along with Kalarel's horned helm stuck to his belt.

It's no surprise that Jace doesn't get any congratulations for being the Hero of the Day, in stark contrast to Troll's miraculous 20 in the kobold cave, but the Horsemen return victorious in their first adventure and are greeted with much accolades by the folks of Winterhaven, showering them with flowers and praise and water (cause they stink).

What's Next?

The Horsemen are paid handsomely and commended by Lord Pedro (he even lets them keep the horses to save them from the embarrassment of being horseless horsemen) for their services to the town and he hopefully inquires if they found any captives in the dungeons, as several townspeople have gone missing. He had believed that either the kobolds or the goblins have taken them under orders of the cult's leader, but the Horsemen had found no one they didn't immediately want to kill.

Instead, they showed Lord Pedro the message scroll they found after defeating the blue slime, a letter from Chief Krand of the Bloodreavers in Thunderspire offering to buy humanoids that Kalarel might be willing to sell...